Warranty Registration

Product Service Warranty

(Warranty must be complete and submitted within 15 days of purchase.)

Wellhead Systems Inc. product service warranty covers all parts and labor for one year from date of purchase, to include the below listed products and excluding all others to which fall under standard warranty policy defined on WSI invoice. Product warranty is only valid upon completion and return of this Product Service Warranty card with all items defined below filled out completely and returned to Wellhead Systems Inc. corporate offices.


Proud members of Hill City Chamber of Commerce, Permian Basin Petroleum Association, Ohio Oil & Gas Association, AWHEM, OIPA (Oklahoma), KIOGA, EKOGA and Illinois Oil & Gas Association

Representation in all major oilfield locations • Distribution area includes domestic and international

Centrally located in the oilfields of Kansas to maximize shipping efficiency


P.O. Box 129

710 West McVey Street
Hill City, Kansas 67642