4-1/2" LTC X 2-3/8" Female Model "HHS" ESP Tubing Head Complete 1,500PSI

Click one of the options below for PDF of drawing

  1. #1 Flat Cable
  2. #1 Round Cable
  3. #2 Flat Cable
  4. #2 Round Cable
  5. #4 Flat Cable
  6. #4 Round Cable
  7. #6 Flat Cable
  8. #6 Round Cable
  9. #8 Round Cable

Proud members of Hill City Chamber of Commerce, Permian Basin Petroleum Association, Ohio Oil & Gas Association, AWHEM, OIPA (Oklahoma), KIOGA, EKOGA and Illinois Oil & Gas Association

Representation in all major oilfield locations • Distribution area includes domestic and international

Centrally located in the oilfields of Kansas to maximize shipping efficiency


P.O. Box 129

710 West McVey Street
Hill City, Kansas 67642